Every team leader wants to think of themselves as a positive force for fueling success. Unfortunately, all too often, people get stuck in doing what they have always done and thinking that is enough. If you keep your blinders on and don’t look around to see what else might be possible, you are doing your company and yourself a disservice. And you are not a “visionary leader.” What are the Read More
Make Meetings Worth Attending
Should we even have meetings? That was the question of a recent study that was trying to ascertain how employees could become more productive. The study’s findings suggested that if we just did away with meetings, there would be a lot more time in the day to make progress on important projects. This sounds startling and even like a great solution to never having enough time. However, what it Read More
The Differences Between Virtual and In-Person Team Building Events
For one: Virtual Team Building is a lot less expensive Before Covid, all team building events were in-person activities that were typically part of a company meeting or picnic. Now that everything is being done virtually, team building companies have had to change their offerings to fit in with the new Zoom reality. Since everything is done online, team building providers do not need to pack Read More
Virtual Activities for Your Holiday Party
Everyone could use some cheer this holiday season. So instead of just a Zoom get-together, add a fun, entertaining game to the mix. Here are three great options: Alphabet Improv This is a fun, creative game that can produce some wildly entertaining stories. Put people on teams. Each team should have at least 6 players and can have as many as 15. Tell people they are going to create a Read More
Ideas to Help You and Your Team through this Crisis- During the Holidays
It’s a tough and uncertain time, particularly in certain industries (hospitality, meetings especially). As you and your team work from home or on a limited basis in the office, how can you help each other as well as yourselves? Here are some things that others are doing: Stay connected with Skype or Zoom meetings. One great idea is to add some levity. One firm is even having a goat be on the Read More
What Can You Do with Your Team Now?
In this terrible pandemic, it’s not a good idea to gather physically to do anything fun like a company picnic. But let’s face it, keeping morale up is important. We all want to be connected in our isolation. Whether working from home or in some form of isolation, does not mean you can’t do any team events. Zoom and other similar apps allow you to meet virtually, and once you learn the basics, Read More